Victorian Tamil Association Inc.





Mission Statement


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Vic Tamils Community Centre (VTCC)

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 Our vision is to contribute to the development and sustainability of an inclusive society in Victoria that is culturally rich, embracing, tolerant and respectful of everyone regardless of their ethnic identity and financial or social situation.



  • To advance education in Victoria by, inter-alia, conducting Tamil language and Literature education programs in Victoria.
  • To advance and/or promote social or public welfare by supporting:

o   Australian immigrants (families or individuals) of Tamil origin who are suffering material hardship, in distress or at a disadvantage to better integrate in the Australian society;


o   Elderly people who are financially or socially excluded; and


o   Any other person that is suffering material hardship, in distress or at a disadvantage.

  • The advancing of culture by increasing the awareness and promoting culture, customs and language of the Tamil community.

To carry out our mission, we undertake various activities and programs, including (but not limited to) running of Tamil schools, health related lectures for elderly people, life skills workshops, Tamil drama and musical performance, Tamil speech and writing competition.




Content and design Copyright © Victorian Tamil Association Inc, 2020. All rights reserved.
Webpage designed and developed by

Page last modified  30th June 2020


Prof.C.J.Eliezer Memorial Lecture

Our Tamil Schools

Tamil School Contacts